WOD 12/1/20
40 Push-ups 10 Cal Bike 30 Push-ups 20 Cal Bike 20 Push-ups 30 Cal Bike 10 Push-ups 40 Cal Bike
WOD 11/30/20
“Row with Fran” 21-15-9 Thrusters 95/65 Cal Row
WOD 11/27/20
BLACK FRIDAY 100 box jump overs 24”/20” 75 ground to OH 105/85 50 burpees over the bar 25 cal Row
20 min AMRAP: 400m MB run 11 MB ball slams 26 MB sit-ups
WOD 11/25/20
4 RFT: 15 barbell Shoulder shrugs 110/75 0:45 side plank R 15 Barbell bent over rows 0:45 side plank L
WOD 11/24/20
24-20-16-12-8-4 DB Front rack hold Alt. Lunges 50/35 4-8-12-16-20-24 DB shoulder to OH
WOD 11/23/20
“CHELSEA ROW” 30 min EMOM 5 cal Row 10 push-ups 15 air squats
WOD 11/20/20
Complete for time: 2k Row **Every min stop and complete 6 Burpees over the rower
WOD 11/19/20
20 min AMRAP: 15 KB Deadlifts 53/35 15 Russian KBS 15 Sit-ups
WOD 11/18/20
27-21-15-9 Cal bike Thrusters 95/65