WOD 6/1/18
Cluster 3-3-3-3-3 Optional Finisher
WOD 5/31/18
From 0-3 min. perform: 100 Double Unders From 3-6 min. perform 50 Double Unders 10 Power Snatch (115/75 lb.) From 6-9 min. perform: ...

WOD 5/30/18
FITNESS TESTING #9 - PAIN OPTIONAL EMOM 12 min. 3 Front Squat (185/125 lb.) AMRAP Ring Dip for the remaining minute
20/10-Cal. Assault bike 20/15-Cal. Row Rest 2 min. 3 Rounds

WOD 5/28/18
MURPH 1 mile run 100 pull-ups 200 push-ups 300 squats 1 mile run wear a 20lbs vest if possible

WOD 5/25/18
FITNESS TESTING #8 - JERK SNATCHER Gymnastics Kipping + Chest-to-bar Pull-ups Benchmark Workout Jerk Snatcher 20 Clean and Jerk 20...

WOD 5/24/18
1-2-3-4-5… Back Squat (225/155 lb.) Bar Muscle Up Add one rep each round AMRAP 15 min.
WOD 5/23/18
21 SDHP (95/65 lb.) 36 Lateral Bar Jumps 100-m Barbell Walk 3 Rounds

WOD 5/22/18
Split Squat 3-3-3-3-3 * Optional Finisher

WOD 5/21/18
FITNESS TESTING #7 - CHEWBACCA 1-km Row 50 Wall Ball (20/14 lb.) 50 Box Jumps (24/20”) 50 Ring Push-ups 50 KB Swing (24/16 kg.) 50...