WOD 10/30/20
5 RFT: 30 Russian KBS 53/35 20 Goblet squat 10 Burpees
WOD 10/29/20
8 rounds of 1:30- 10 Shoulder to OH 115/85 0:30 sec hold OH
WOD 10/28/20
21-15-9 Deadlifts 135/85 Hang Power cleans V sit-ups
WOD 10/27/20
15 min Time cap: 2-4-6-8-10-12... Devils press 50/35 25 DU b/w each round
WOD 10/26/20
“KELLY” 5 RFT: 400m run 30 box jumps 24”/20” 30 wall ball shots 20/14
WOD 10/23/20
10 rounds of 2 min: 10 deadlifts 225/155 10 bar-facing burpees over the bar
WOD 10/22/20
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2–1 Wall balls 20/14 Sit-ups (x2 reps)
WOD 10/21/20
5 RFT: 50 DU 15 DB Floor presses 50/35 15 Bent over DB row
WOD 10/20/20
12 min EMOM: 10 Front rack step ups 95/65 (5 each leg) 5 shoulder to OH
WOD 10/19/20
1/2 “ANGIE” 50 pull-ups 50 push-ups 50 sit-ups 50 air squats