WOD 2/1/18
200-m Run 10 Ring Push-ups 15 Deadlifts (155/115 lb.) Perform every 3 min. 4 rounds
WOD 1/31/18
Back Squats 1 – 1 – 1 Front Squats 3 – 3 – 3 Overhead Squats 5 – 5 – 5
WOD 1/30/18
50 Alt. Single-Arm DB Power Snatches (50/35 lb.) Then: 10 Single-Arm DB Push Presses (each arm) 30-sec. DB OH Hold 3 rounds 50 Alt....
WOD 1/29/18
Part 1: Work up to a Heavy 100-m Barbell Carry Part 2: 3 Rope Climbs 100-m Barbell Walk (on back) 5 rounds
WOD 1/26/18
Squat Clean and Jerks 1-3-5-7-9-11
WOD 1/25/18
100-m Farmers Walk (45/25 lb.) 3 Candlesticks *Every round add 100 m to the Farmers Walk + 3 Candlesticks AMRAP 12 min.
WOD 1/24/18
2 Power Snatches (75+% 1RM) AMRAP Double-unders for the remaining time in 1min. Rest 1 min. 10 rounds
WOD 1/23/18
Run 400 m 6 Rounds Bear Complex (PC+FS+PP+BS+PP) (115/75 lb.) Row 500 m 6 Rounds Cindy (5 Pull-ups/10 Push-ups/15 Air Squats)
WOD 1/22/18
21-15-9 Dumbbell Squat Cleans (50/35 lb.) Ring Dips
WOD 1/19/18
8 Heavy KB Swings (32/24 kg) 16 Shoulder-to-Overheads (95/65 lb.) AMRAP 10 min.