WOD 7/31/20
5 rounds of 1:30 min- 200m row DB hang power cleans for remaining time ***rest 1 min between sets
WOD 7/30/20
Buy in-800m run Then 2 rounds of- 10 db OH squats (each side) 10 burpees 10 dB reverse lunges (each side) 10 burpees Buy out-800m run
WOD 7/29/30
4 rounds of- 10 plate bicep curls 35/15 100m plate walk (bend arms 90 degrees holding plate in front) **rest 90 sec between sets***
WOD 7/28/20
12 min AMRAP- 12 kb deadlifts 70/53 12 box jump overs 12 lying T2KB
WOD 7/27/20
Elizabeth (revised) 21-15-9 reps for time of: Db power cleans 50/35 Box tricep dips
WOD 7/24/20
21-15-9 Alt. OH slam ball Jumping lunges (or alt OH reverse lunges in place) Slam ball over the shoulder 20/16 Burpees
WOD 7/23/20
4 min Tabata- Up and down planks Rest 1 min 4 min tabata- Hollow rocks (or hollow hold) Rest 1 min 4 min tabata- Crossbody mountain climbers
WOD 7/22/20
15 min AMRAP- 200m Run 10 SA dB Strict presses (R) 40/25 10 SA dB Strict presses (L)
WOD 7/21/20
4 RFT- 20 kb Weighted step ups 24”/20” 20 kb snatches 50/35
WOD 7/20/20
CHELSEA (revised) 30 min EMOM- 5 sit-ups 10 pushups 15 air squats