WOD 3/19/20
Tabata means you work for 20 sec then you rest 10 sec
For example: you do burpees for 20 sec then you rest 10 sec then do jumping jacks for 20 sec then rest 10 sec. That entire round is 1 min. So now, your workout....
Tabata: alternate movements
Jumping jacks
(Do this for 4 min, so that’s 4 rounds)
10 Push ups
10 lunges (5 reps each leg)
Repeat 3x
Tabata: alternate movements
High knees
Butt kickers
Repeat for 4 min
15 Right leg squat (use a chair, sit down onto chair and stand up using one leg)
15 Left leg squat (switch sides on chair)
Repeat 3x
Tabata: alternate movements
Jump squats (squat+jump)
Mountain climbers
Repeat for 4 min
10 Pike push up (hold yoga downward dog position and do push-ups in that position)
Plank for 30sec
Repeat 3x